羅西尼 - 歌劇《奇異的誤解》 DVD
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  • 歌劇《奇異的誤解》

  • 演員:
    Ernestina - Marina Prudenskaja
    Gamberotto - Bruno De Simone
    Buralicchio - Marco Vinco
    Ermanno - Dmitry Korchak
    Rosalia - Amanda Forsythe
    Frontino - Ricardo Mirabelli
    Praga Chamber Choir
    Orchestra Haydn of Bozano & Trento

    L’Equivoco stravagante stages the classic situation of the young girl who does not intend to be wedded to the traditional rich braggart but prefers a timid young man who is short of money; this time the expedient used to drive off the undesired wooer is to have him believe that in reality the girl is a young boy who has been castrated - or in the euphemistic parlance of the time a musico.

    Seasoned with fanciful language, made up of bold neologisms and licentious double meanings, with expressions that are in turn silly, absurd, or hyperbolic, Gasbarri’s libretto offers no few aspects of modernity, while Rossini’s music already contains the melodic invention, the frenzied rhythm, the musical electricity that within just a few months were to project the composer unstoppably towards worldwide success.


    - International Cast

    - International opera Stars Marco Vinco and Bruno de Simone.

    - Confirming his great skill, Emilio Sagi (Oviedo , Spain) has created a very enjoyable performance which is marked by freshness and colour.

    - Performers are visually and artistically perfect in their roles and for this specific staging:

    - Gamberotto, a fantastic Bruno de Simone (opera star), is transformed from a newly enriched farmer into an import-export entrepreneur of the fruit and vegetables sector.

    - Ernestina (his daughter) is here transformed from a young countrywoman who desires to become somehow emancipated into a seductive businesswoman and performed by a very charming Marina Prudenskaja. She is perfect both in the sexy trouser suit wore during the business meeting and in the spangles for the night event.

    - Buralicchio the lover/rival, is performed by a very funny Marco Vinco. He is good-looking, social climber and terribly gross in his manners and his look.

    - The performance is set during the seventies and even the servants are wearing trendy. It certainly doesn’t lack exciting links (inline with the libretto), however they have always been proposed without coarseness and in a funny context.


    - Emilio Sagi, director:

    Born in Oviedo, in a family of singers, after graduating in Philosophy and Literature at Oviedo University, he moved to London to study Musicology. In 1980 made his debut as director with Verdi’s La traviata in Oviedo. From December 1990 to end 1999 was General Director of the Zarzuela Theatre in Madrid.

    From october 2001 to august 2005 he was Artistic Director of Teatro Real in Madrid. Emilio Sagi’s stage experience covers styles ranging from baroque, zarzuela to modern opera, having staged opera productions in several national and international theatres and festivals.

    His recently engagements as Director have included productions at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, at the New National Theatre in Tokyo, at the Washington Opera, at the Houston Grand Opera and at the Teatro Municipal de Santiago del Chile, at the Los Angeles Opera and at the Theater and der Wien, at the Theatre du Chatelet de Paris, at the Opera de Lausanne.

    Since 2008 he has been nominated Artistic Director of the Teatro Arriaga in Bilbao.

    - Rossini Opera Festival (ROF):

    The Rossini Opera Festival is one of the most important Italian musical events.

    And the most important festival dedicated to the Italian composer.

    Hosted in Pesaro, Rossini’s birthplace, the Festival lets opera loversattend at opera and concert performances featuring both world-wide famous singers and young rising performers. During the course of thirty years, the Rossini Opera Festival has established itself as the proper occasion to present to the audience some of the most important results of recent musicological scholarship on Rossini.

    Working in close association with the Fondazione Rossini, the ROF played a pivotal role in drawing back to the stage many rarely performed operas by Rossini, such as most of his serious works, or even of long-thought lost scores.

    Track List:
    - Opening
    - Sinfonia

    - Si cela in quelle mura (Ermanno)
    - Occhietti miei vezzosi (Buralicchio)
    - Oh! come tacita (Chorus)
    - Ti presento a un tempo istesso (Quartet)
    - Parla, favella (Gamberotto)
    - Si, trovar potrete un altro (Ermanno)
    - Finale I
    - Opening

    - Perche sossopra (Chorus)
    - Vedrai fra poco nascere (Frontino)
    - Vieni pur (Ernestina)
    - E mi lascia cosi? (Ermanno)
    - Speme soave (Ernestina)
    - Il mio germe (Gamberotto)
    - Se per te lieta ritorno (Ernestina)
    - Finale II

    Rossini Opera Festival, Pesaro 2008


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